The CloseCommute strategy will save commuters billions of hours annually while boosting productivity and lowering HR costs, decreasing traffic congestion and pollution, lowering health-care costs, and strengthening regional economies. Fixing the existing totally-inefficient situation will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over one per cent globally.
The initial phase of the CloseCommute initiative will reduce the commuting time and distance for millions of Canadians. The process – for commuters and their employers – is simple to understand and implement: Allow and encourage long commuters to switch workplaces with someone doing the same job at a different location so both can work closer to their homes. An organization will also update their human resources practices to consider candidates' commuting situation when hiring and for internal transfers.
The impact will be positively amazing — an organization can expect to reduce its overall employee commuting burden by over 25 per cent within six months. As the idea quickly spreads, we expect a five to 10 per cent reduction in total daily vehicular traffic across each metro region.
Your home, work and play a short hop apart …